A selection of our publicly available evaluation reports, strategies and other written output.

Organised by client, these each have a brief description of the client and the work. You can download the final report (as PDF) and there are links out to clients and partners (as appropriate).

Make/Shift Evaluation report

Make/Shift is Arts Council England’s Creative People and Places project in Amber Valley, Derbyshire. They want to make the Valley a place full of makers, where everyone’s creativity matters.

Our work focuses on their approaches and underlying principles, producing a deep evaluation that surfaces what Make/Shift is trying to achieve. To do this, we explicitly assess the ‘How’ of the project – as demonstrated in the four case studies in our 2023/24 Evaluation Report.

Eastbourne ALIVE Evaluation report

Eastbourne ALIVE was an ambitious project that brought together local creative partner organisations and artists to celebrate Turner Prize 2023 coming to the town.

Our evaluation of the Turner Prize and Eastbourne ALIVE, released in 2024, explores three main areas – the economic impact, changing perceptions of Eastbourne as a place and partnership working in the arts and cultural sector.

The Summary and full Report are available on the Eastbourne ALIVE website along with other resources.

The Leap: Evaluation reports

We worked with The Leap in Bradford for a number of years. As a Creative People and Places project, their mission is to change the nature of arts and culture in Bradford and Keighley, supporting local people and artists in shaping that offer.

Our 2023 report is available on their website – as is a Summary, based on our findings, which we assisted The Leap in producing.

Back to Ours: Evaluation reports

Back to Ours is the Creative People and Places (CPP) project for Hull. At its heart is connection and engagement, mixing the familiar with the unfamiliar to grab attention, provoke and entertain.

We produced evaluations of the project from 2019 up until March 2023, when Back to Ours became an Arts Council England National Portfolio Organisation.

Chat to Ours

We worked with Chat to Ours, a group of Back to Ours volunteers, to share their research findings and present stories from the festivals. Below is an example report:

Bradford Producing Hub: Evaluation reports

Bradford Producing Hub – funded by Arts Council England, Bradford Council and others – aims to make Bradford a more creative city with Live Art performance “happening all the time”.

We have produced two evaluations and are currently working on a third.

Build Back Better: Evaluation report

The Build Back Better grant, offered by Kent County Council in 2021/22, provided support to creatives and arts and culture organisations in the county to help with recover from the effects of the Covid-19 pandemic.

Our report included recommendations around the application process, needs of the sector and communicating with creative businesses. Kent County Council are now using the recommendations to shape future plans.

England’s Creative Coast: Evaluation report

England’s Creative Coast was an ambitious project aimed at shifting the whole approach to cultural tourism in the South East of England. It was principally funded by Arts Council England’s Cultural Destinations programme and Visit England through the Discover England Fund.

Our evaluation looked at four key impacts – rebuilding the South East visitor economy; inspiring visitors to lengthen their stay; local people exploring their town and region; and partnerships across cultural and tourism networks.

#flowcellular: Evaluation report

#flowcellular explored the science behind what happens to our DNA as we get older, and was developed by Wellcome Sanger Institute and the Saturday Museum.

Our report includes stories, moments, quotes, photos and artwork produced throughout the project to illustrate and honour the generosity and wealth of creativity shared by all participants.

LeftCoast: Evaluation and project evaluation reports

LeftCoast is the Creative People and Places (CPP) project for Blackpool, delivering highly-engaging, socially-useful arts and cultural projects in the town.

We produced a series of evaluation reports over the years – both of LeftCoast itself and specific projects.

CPP Evaluations

Project-specific evaluations

Get Dancing drew on Blackpool’s place within popular dance culture to crowdsource a new social dance. It was delivered by LeftCoast, Showtown Blackpool and dance company House of Wingz.

The Upside was a project run in the first six months of 2021 aimed at addressing issues of social isolation in some of Blackpool’s communities. The report was co-authored with writer and producer Alexandra O’Toole.

Medway: Cultural strategy

Working with GJG Consultancy and The Audience Agency, we co-developed a new, ambitious and forward-thinking Cultural Strategy for Medway.

The Strategy was based on two core beliefs – culture is at the heart of defining Medway’s identity, and allowing people’s voices to be heard unlocks the possibility of powerful and meaningful change.

Revoluton: Case studies

Revoluton Arts is the Creative People and Places (CPP) project for Luton, with a mission to cultivate grassroots creativity and run high-quality creative events that engage the town’s diverse audiences.

Using three ‘cases’ — work in two geographical neighbourhoods and the young creatives programme — we explored how Revoluton was approaching its work, and why this approach mattered. This built on Ruth’s work as Critical Friend for the project.

Truth to Power Cafe: Impact study

Truth to Power Café is an internationally acclaimed theatrical reflection on loss, hope and resistance.

In producing the impact study, we adapted our methodology to take into account the highly personal nature of the shows, their international reach and the impacts of Covid-19 on delivery. We are in the process of writing a second, larger scale study.

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